美國目前有三分之一的人現在是自由職業者,這種「零工經濟」既無法提供福利也無法保證有穩定的工時。而在網路時代脫穎而出的現在,做生意的模式已完全改變。像 Uber 和 Airbnb 這樣的高科技創業公司不斷登上頭條新聞,並成為了企業口中顛覆行業營運模式的破壞分子。但是,這樣的混亂從華爾街到大街所造成的影響是什麼?員工與求職者在不同的職業階段所面臨的挑戰是什麼?
Sarah Kessler 大學畢業時,正歷經 2008 年經濟大衰退的時代,幾乎沒有辦法找到全職工作,越來越多的是兼職或是約聘類職缺。她開始研究「零工經濟」,並對創造工作機會的資方及對工作日益增加不安全感和風險的勞方做深刻的分析。商界領袖如 Grubhub 的 Stan Chia 和 Hermès UK 的 Carole Woodhead 都指出,靈活性是此類工作的主要優勢,無論是成為 Uber 司機還是在亞馬遜土耳其機器人(Amazon Mechanical Turk)尋求外包接案工作。而相較於大公司們的樂觀想法,作者認為「零工經濟」絕對不是如此單純積極的。
因為時代的進步而重組人們的工作模式是個好主意,但也絕對有必要修復經濟體系背後的支撐結構。作者相信美國需要另一種勞工運動,有新的政策或理念改革來支持這樣的變化,同時也向立法者提出警訊,工業革命所帶來的干擾勢必得花費數十年的時間。作者在此書中用淺顯易懂的方式總結她的分析論點,讓讀者能夠輕易地理解。(文 / 博客來編譯)
Uber. Deliveroo. Airbnb. Welcome to the gig economy.
Over the past five years, digital technology has created a revolutionary new way to work – one that might just make traditional jobs obsolete. A generation of freelancers are building their working lives around small tasks sourced online: from driving taxis to cleaning houses, developing software to consulting for investment banks. They are at the front line of the gig economy.
In Gigged, Sarah Kessler meets the people forging this new world of unorthodox employment: from the computer programmer who chooses exactly which hours he works each week, via the Uber driver who is trying to convince his peers to unionise, to the charity worker who thinks freelance gigs might just transform the fortunes of a declining Rust Belt town.
Kessler uncovers a world of dizzying contrasts, where the best-off have unprecedented professional freedom, while the worst-off lose out on job security, holidays and benefits. Gigged is a timely account of an era of employment that is vanishing – and of the new economy that is taking its place.