由來自德國的繪本創作者布麗塔.泰肯特拉普(Britta Teckentrup)設計的繪本,以巧妙的鏤空挖洞設計,吸引讀者層層探索書中世界,圍繞大自然為主題的繪本,邀請讀者一起感受大自然的迷人魅力。
* 系列作品包括:
1. Tree Seasons Come, Seasons Go《樹:春夏秋冬,季節流轉》
2. Moon: night-time around the world《月亮:夜幕下的世界》
3. Bee Nature's tiny miracle《蜜蜂:大自然的小小奇蹟》
4. Sea A World Beneath the Waves《大海:神奇海底世界》
Have you ever wondered why the moon shines in the night-time sky?
As the moon waxes and wanes above, the world below is full of busy night-time creatures; from turtles laying their eggs on white sandy beaches, to migrating birds using the moon to navigate their way to sunnier climes. Turn the peek-through pages to see the moon change shape as it goes through the lunar cycle.