Superpower! is a guidebook for taking personal accountability of your success. That’s where all the power and responsibility is - within you. Think of it as a handbook with stories and steps to help you rethink, reframe, refocus, and reignite your leadership, your business, and your life. The strategies and tactics offered here are like tools. Not every tool is right for every job. Choose the ones that are right for you and your situation. I’ve included a variety of scenarios. The idea is to help you develop a diverse set of skills so you can arm yourself with an arsenal of superpowers, helping you bridge the gap between where you are today and where you want to be.
RETHINK your mindset to unlock your superpowers and focus on success
REFRAME by getting clear on what you want to do, be, have, or become
REFOCUS on superpowered instinct and develop your business intuition
REIGNITE your mission by creating your mind map
REFLECT on the changes and powerful progress you’ve made
REWARD your efforts by setting mini-goals and then celebrating them!