Embezzlement is a crime. Your embezzler is a thief, every bit as much as the person who breaks into your home and steals the silver. Problem is, you have given them keys to the house and nothing visible is missing. For all practical purposes, the theft, if there is one, is invisible.
While there may not be any external signs of it, you cannot afford to ignore the possibility. You could hire a CPA or auditor to conduct an audit, but with no real indications of embezzlement, it would cost you big bucks with little chance of finding anything.
With "How to Detect Embezzlement on the QT" however, YOU can find any "real indications" that may be there even if you don't know a thing about bookkeeping. Accounting discrepancies that may indicate theft are fairly easy to find when you know what to look for and where to look. The ebook also describes common embezzlement schemes and explains the immediate steps you should take to limit your losses.
Discrepancies are not, in themselves, PROOF of a crime but they do indicate something is very wrong, and where evidence of it is likely to be found. PROOF is beyond the scope of this ebook.