Scholastic ELT Readers Level 1
書本內容 : 1.故事 2.問題討論&幕後花絮 3.Quiz
在《疾風禁區》首部曲中,足球天才桑提戈荷西穆納(庫諾貝克 飾)進入英格蘭超級足球聯賽-紐卡素聯隊一砲而紅後,這次第二集他將更進一步踢進皇家馬德里足球聯隊,並和許多超級足球明星如貝克漢,布拉沃及席丹等人一起練球比賽。 就在桑提戈的名氣如日中天,名利雙收之餘,他卻逐漸迷失在名利及性感美女的投懷送抱的誘惑。漸漸地,經紀人與他決裂,論及婚嫁的女友選擇離開他…他還能完成他最初的夢想嗎?
Santiago Munez has made his mark in the UK Premier league as a top midfielder with Newcastle United.
European football now beckons and he finds himself playing alongside stars such as Beckham and Zidane for Real Madrid. But playing in the UEFA Champions League brings pressures that Santiago had never anticipated. Will he have the strength to keep his dream alive?Based on the hit 2007 movie Goal II!