圖書名稱:Top Tips for Ielts General Training Paperback With Cd-rom
【IELTS 應考技巧準備教材】 由英國劍橋大學語言測評考試院考官編寫,專為準備雅思一般組 (General Training Module) 考生而設計。書內包含詳細例句與解說,分析聽說讀寫各部份的準備技巧與應考建議。 書後附光碟,內含一份完整考題,供考生進行模擬練習。
The Official Top Tips for IELTS gives you essential advice for each part of each of the IELTS exam for those studying the General Training module. It is written by Cambridge ESOL examiners with many years' experience of setting and marking the IELTS exam and includes clear examples and explanations to show you exactly what each tip means, general tips for each paper and sections on how to revise and what to do on the day of the exam. The CD-ROM contains a complete, authentic IELTS exam paper so that you know what to expect when you take the exam.