I’ve pedalled the pushbike of life through the Shires’ rolling hills, along the folded rocks of Scotland’s lochs and out west to the fractured reaches of North Wales. Love found me in the MacGillycuddy’s Reeks of Ireland. The Swiss Alps cured me of obsessive compulsion and yielded progeny. Misfits, rogues and psychopaths take form in PERIL, THE BAPTIST and other works. Their voices, they speak to me. I plead with them, but the demons are real. I’ve carried them on my back across Scandinavia, through the Mid-West, Eastern Seaboard and Deep South of the USA and to the borders of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. We teetered together on the brink of the Iguassu Falls and came back. My writing is dedicated to the memory of my late grandfather Robert ’Ruby’ Barnes.