I don’t like ‘write ups’ very much. I therefore suggest that you would read the book and be surprised.
Evo said ‘but people may not hang around if you don’t tell them anything about the contents.’ ... I reply, well, there are many good writers out there so they may not hang about if I scribble a proper write up, so what’s the difference. Now please could you get back to the cooking and cleaning? The stories are about some of the many faces of love, there you go.
Yes, women and domestic chores, there’s a match made in heaven. I love domestic chores and I don’t care how many times I get called weird by men and some women, other women call me insane, others want to marry me. I though know the secret behind liking domestic chores i.e. why it’s wise to like them and extremely unwise to hate them. Why would a couple wait for a long time to get a beautiful new house which they love, move in and then suddenly decide that they hate cleaning it? I can’t compute that. Yes, I’ve written about it in a book called housework’s invisible gold i.e. vibrational gold. You see, to know what I mean you’ll have to visit with Abraham Hicks and discover ‘real magic’.
On a bridge near where I presently live there is a set of stairs at each end plus a ‘pathway’ for bikes and prams. The other day a guy on a bike cycled along the main walkway of the bridge, got to the end, then picked up his bike and walked down the stairs. I wasn’t taking anything and so it really happened. Well, I thought I was mad.
I have another short amusing observational story, I’ll put it at the end of the book, which is all about the popular subject i.e. ‘love’. Come on, you gotta read it. Just think, if you don’t, my ribs will show even more due to starvation. Have you got a heart prospective fan? If you pay for it, read it, then hate it ... I don’t give a refund but I don’t mind if you slag me off down the pub.
Have an awesome day and keep your eyes open for Frankie Lassut write ups.
Yes! They are better then the book (I can’t believe I wrote that).