This book is the third volume in the series Maestri of Political Science. Like its two predecessors, this book fills a gap in the growing reflective literature on political science, but adopting a different focus to the usual thematic or subject-specific debates by capturing the people behind the contributions, their careers and their intellectual journeys: Hannah Arendt, Karl Deutsch, Carl Friedrich, Jane Mansbridge, C. Wright Mills, Guillermo O’Donnell, Carole Pateman, Adam Przeworski, Robert Putnam and Kenneth Waltz. These intellectual biographies, moreover, are written by authors who have read and studied their subjects’ work - and been influenced by it themselves in their own intellectual development. The premise of this volume, like its predecessors, is not just that our founding ’giants’ should not be forgotten, but that we should recognise the extent to which our achievements today derive from standing on their shoulders