Tom Selkirk, a mission-weary and haunted British special forces commando, specialises in leading ultra-secret international operations. He is thrust back into the world of covert ops when a deadly tsunami is triggered by a nuclear weapon on the seafloor of the South Atlantic Ocean. Selkirk and his team are tasked to rescue the sole survivor of the incident, a beautiful young researcher on a nearby island, named Isabelle. But the shadowy group that placed the nuke have other ideas... Following various leads and with Isabelle's help, Selkirk's team begins to unravel the plot, which takes them to Gibraltar, Santorini and eventually Venice. Selkirk and his team must establish who is leading the catastrophic project and exactly what the target is for this sinister weapon. Infiltrating a fabled tunnel system under the Adriatic Sea floor, time is not on their side. Fallen Angel delivers an avalanche of entertainment and military action in a high stakes race against time. As Selkirk's past and present collide, you won't be able to put this down!