The vision of this volume is that the whole way a church is formed, run and led should work for the health of all its members and for the thriving of the church as a community of God’s people. It is a church with an intentional mind-set throughout. The church of Christ will be completely pure only in the New Creation. But local churches are to be a colony of that ’Pure Church’ now, here on earth. This book is a call to work towards that purity. Commendations ’A common assumption among church leaders today is that the Bible has little to say on organizing and leading our churches. In a respectful and charitable tone, these pastor theologians demonstrate otherwise. My honest opinion is that this book provides exactly what evangelical Christianity needs, but generally doesn t know it: a biblical vision for robust and healthy churches. Not only that, the authors pastoral wisdom will encourage and challenge readers on every page. Buy two copies one for yourself and another for a fellow church leader. I m confident you ll be glad you did. So will your church.’