A collection of channelled poems, the book ’Journey to Claim My Buried Soul’ is part memoir and part psycho-spiritual analysis of the poems. The author uses experience gained from her practice as a qualified counsellor and psychotherapist to analyse her poems, with commentaries on the spiritual progress made following each section of poetry.
She describes how she identified the source of her channelled poems, using the structure of two theoretical models of analysis: spiritual alchemy and Jung’s individuation process, to provide a meaningful context for her spiritual journey.
Journey with the author as she is guided by her Muse - by means of her channelled poems - through the borderlands between the inner and outer worlds.
Part memoir, part psycho-spiritual analysis, this book is a guide for those wishing to seek balance between the irrational/aesthetic side of the brain with its more rational/logical side, with a view to gaining a better understanding of the spiritual journey.
Her intellectual search was inspired by the works of Carl Jung and other theoreticians, with insights gained from an understanding of the spiritual alchemical process, providing new perspectives to uncover meanings hidden within the poems. Accompany her through her personal crises as she grapples with the wider implications of spiritual growth, finally experiencing relief and joy as she learns to abandon out-dated limitations.
Part One focusses on the author’s personal spiritual journey using her own channelled poetry, together with some of her paintings, sculptures and photos which compliment the meanings of specific poems. Analyses of the poems and commentaries on the spiritual and life progress made follows each section of poetry. Particular emphasis is given to two major breakthroughs, which marked periods of crisis for the author, but ultimately led to a spiritual awakening.
Part Two deals with how and why the book was written. It describes how the author identified the source of her channelled poetry, using the structure of two theoretical models of analysis: spiritual alchemy and Jung’s individuation process, to provide a meaningful context for the spiritual journey.