★Gretel Lusky藝術作品集,深入藝術家的創作世界
阿根廷插畫兼漫畫家Gretel Lusky熱愛幻想與一切新奇的事物,筆下多采多姿的人物,不管是仙女、美人魚、奇幻生物或騎士等,全都充滿神祕莫測的氣氛,美麗卻又令人有點不安。
作品集囊括了兩個主題:以奇幻為重點的海洋生物與女巫題材,以及美麗的素描作品。另外,書中還詳細列出Gretel Lusky的創作歷程,「擁抱混亂」一章更詳細介紹放棄完美主義、傾聽自己的身體,以及如何保持創作動力等創作理念。
Gretel Lusky也娓娓道來她創作的各式工具與素材,詳盡的教學指導指引讀者進入創作的奇幻世界,書中呈現出令人難以置信的洞察力以及藝術氣息,對插畫家、藝術家或喜愛藝術的讀者都非常具有吸引力。
This is an artist who loves fantasy and all things magical: fairies, mermaids, mythical creatures, knights, and more. She creates characters that are colorful yet mysterious and places that feel otherworldly, always pretty yet sometimes bordering on unsettling. Gretel fans will love delving into the story of her creative early years, discovering why she chose art as a career, and following her development timeline. She presents two exclusive galleries of art - one with a fantasy focus, based around maritime creatures and witches, and another that celebrates the beauty of sketchbooking.
The artist has written chapters on her creative process, which aspiring and established artists will equally enjoy, and created a section on "Embracing The Mess," discussing the techniques of letting go of perfectionism, listening to your body, and staying motivated as an artist. With tools and materials covered in detail too, plus in-depth tutorials for readers to follow along with, this Art Of title is packed with incredible insight and joyous art, appealing to existing fans of Gretel as well as newcomers to her work.