小男孩羅曼(Roman)喜歡一個人閒逛,尤其是在野外探索。 他可以仰躺於草原中,也可以跟蹤蟋蟀,也可以眼追隨飛鳥航行的方向,他對水中生物也很有興趣,他也有勇氣撥開草叢,看看什麼小動物在裡面。 這是一本句型簡單、畫風細膩又可愛,詳述有關大自然生態觀察的繪本,我們透過小男孩的眼,一起探索野外,森林冒險! Roman is a lone wanderer and the wild is his to explore. Yet despite his amazing adventures and fascinating discoveries, Roman is still searching for something. Is being alone really the only choice for a wanderer?
作者Robert Vescio其作品曾入選 BILBY Awards 的學齡前圖書獎、NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge 獎項、Marshall Allan Hill Children’s Writing Competition 寫作比賽的首獎。 個人網頁:http://www.robertvescio.com Robert Vescio is an award-winning children’s author. He is dedicated to inspiring children with his passion for stories. When he is not writing, he enjoys visiting schools to share his imaginative tales. Robert lives in Sydney and enjoys spending time with his children, who are an endless source of inspiration.