The extraordinary story of Joe Kennedy Jr, JFK’s elder brother and the one who was meant to be President.
Joe Kennedy Sr had one overriding ambition: that a Kennedy should one day be President.
First in line was his eldest son, Joe Junior, who had talent, charm and drive. From the moment the young man began making his way in the world, his destiny appeared set.
But tragedy struck when, at the age of just twenty-nine, Joe Junior died a hero’s death serving his country in the skies over Europe during World War II.
The devastating loss forced his father’s aspirations to turn instead to Joe Junior’s younger brother John, who would become JFK, one of the defining figures of the 20th century.
THE LOST PRINCE: YOUNG JOE, THE FORGOTTEN KENNEDY is a poignant and gripping portrait of a complex, dashing and truly fascinating figure whose life reveals much about the Kennedys’ early political ambitions and the sources of their mystique.
’Someday I’ll be President’ Joseph P. Kennedy Jr.
’I’m only trying to fill his shoes’ John F. Kennedy
’The brilliant story of a golden scion of a glittering family-a young man Scott Fitzgerald would have understood, and might have created’ Chicago Daily News
’Can take its place with the best’ Washington Post
’Explains as much about this dynastic and incredible family as any book - and does the job with dash, style, romance and action’ Chicago Sunday Tribune