The story tells of the compelling journey of a young British-born woman whose parents arrange a marriage and send her to live in a strange country. Upon arrival, Andromeda is forced to adapt to the customary practices and adhere to the rigid expectations of her in-laws.
The challenges of a wife, a widow and a single parent are all laid bare in this evocative, heart-rending narrative. A story that speaks of duelling families, cultural disparities, and two worlds that could not have been any more different. At the heart of the conflict lies the life of a young woman who had to adapt to her surroundings without question, to appease her in-laws.
From the naive girl, whose innocence and sanity are taken to the extreme she is transformed into a woman with a single purpose. Her mission becomes a quest of survival, from the maelstrom that threatens the very fabric of her and that of her children’s existence.