narratorINTERNATIONAL Volume Three is a collection of more than 200 poems and short stories from more than 50 emerging and established writers around the world.
Every piece in this book was published on the narratorINTERNATIONAL blog during the period 1 May to 31 October 2015.
Contributors are: Vivienne Adlere, MC Alves, AA Anderson, David Anderson, Jane Bevan, Leonie Bingham, Judith Bruton, Jean Bundesen, Shirley Burgess, Robyn Chaffey, Tom Coley, James Craib, Myfanwy Dabner, Demelza, Irina Dimitric, Reiroshu Eigenlicht, Samantha Elliott-Halls, Fantail, gARThibiza, Virginia Gow, Lynne Honan, Terry Hopper, Connie Howell, Paul Humphreys, Jenny Kathopoulis, Judith La Porte, Adrian Levet, Chris Lewis, Felicity Lynch, JH Mancy, Maxima, Marcalan McVicker, Jennifer Mosher, Robert Murphy, David Newman, Judy J Newman, Subroto Pant, Margo Poirier, Beatrice Ross, Madeline Ross, Jane Russell, Susan Sargent, Richard Scutter, Ariette Singer, Winsome Smith, Graham Sparks, Deborah Stanbridge, Valerie Vaughn, Patricia Walsh, Ian Williams, Katrina Wirth and Ruth Withers.