Who Were the Hellcats? "The 12th Armored Division was activated on September 15, 1942 at Camp Campbell, Kentucky. Following training and maneuvers in Kentucky and Tennessee, the Division moved to Camp Barkeley, Texas, near Abilene in December 1943. On September 20, 1944 they sailed for England under the command of Maj. Gen. Roderick R. Allen.
"The New Year 1945 produced the bloodiest chapter in the 12th's combat history. At Herrlisheim, France ("Bloody Herrlisheim"), the Hellcats paid a terrific price for combat seasoning. The 12th was pitted against a numerically superior and well-entrenched enemy at the Gambsheim Bridgehead. The Division waged its only defensive battle of the war at Herrlisheim. The Hellcats thwarted repeated attempts by the Germans to break out of the Bridgehead and strike south toward Strasbourg. The Germans dubbed the 12th the 'Suicide Division'."
This book is a volume of personal memoir combined with historical research. The author juxtaposes what the average GI knew and experienced to the big picture being drawn by SHAEF--and he does it with the immediacy and emotion of an old friend telling you a great story.
Other titles by this author: Hellcat Historian II: More Stories of World War II's 12th Armored Division Hellcat Heroes: Personal Stories of World War II's 12th Armored Division