作者 Meghan Doherty 將容易被忽略卻至關重要的基本禮貌問題點出來,以生動活潑的插圖直接告訴你怎麼做最恰當。本書依生活情境分為 In Relationships、At Home、At School、At Work、On the Internet等章節,最後還附上A Typology of Dicks,幫助你避開所有討人厭的習慣。從青少年到職場新鮮人,都適用這本清楚易讀的手冊,讓你輕易掌握最實用的基本禮儀。例如:上班遲到了,進辦公室以後該怎麼做?
On the one hand, nobody wants to be a dick. On the other hand, dicks are everywhere! They cut in line, talk behind our backs, recline into our seats, and even have the power to morph into trolls online. Their powers are impressive, but with a little foresight and thoughtfulness, we can take a stand against dickishness today. How Not to Be a Dick is packed with honest and straightforward advice, but it also includes playful illustrations showing two well-meaning (but not always well behaved) young people as they confront moments of potential dickishness in their everyday lives. Sometimes they falter, sometimes they triumph, but they always seek to find a better way. And with their help, you can too.
Meghan Doherty is the writer and illustrator of How Not to Be a Dick: An Everyday Etiquette Guide. She has created illustrations for other books, including Super Pop! Pop Culture TopTen Lists to Help You Win at Trivia, Survive in the Wild, and Make it Through the Holidays. She has written for the Brooklyn-based web magazine, Brokelyn.com, illustrated for film, and created websites and posters for a variety of clients. She lives in Brooklyn, New York, with her boyfriend and her dog, Polly.