Balancing Act, the sequel to The Transfer of Age, lets the reader become privy to the honest, authentic impressions of a sensitive college girl. People always say that so much changes after high school, and they are right. Its almost as if youre walking a tightrope and performing a balancing act, hoping that you dont fall and get hurt in the process. We see our protagonist face new hardships while still trying to find out who she really is. Whats really fun is reading your journal, like a year later, or even a month, and realizing how much youve changed. Youre looking at something you said, something you really meant at the time, and youre like, I cant believe I ever really believed that! I am such an asshole! I think thats the best thing about growing up. Cameron Díaz Marie Danielle Frankson was born in January of 1991. She was raised by her paternal grandparents in the small town of Stony Creek, NY which is nestled in the southern Adirondack Mountains. Growing up, she always loved to read and write and had hopes of writing her own books one day. Marie graduated from Hadley-Luzerne High School in the town of Lake Luzerne in 2009 and is currently attending the College of Saint Rose in Albany, NY. This is her second novel.