Keith Hammond has written over 80 books, which chronicle lessons he has learned throughout his life, and from trainings, schooling, seminars, years of Bible study and other classes; including, many years experience teaching, and in numerous leadership positions over 15 years, at two churches. His books provide practical and purposeful pathways for growth and maturity in many areas of life, church and ministry, through a relationship with and in service to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, with the help of the Holy Spirit, all to bring God glory. "I’ve made many mistakes and bad business decisions in my life, which led to numerous setbacks. But it’s the truth of Proverbs 24:16 that keeps me focused, moving forward and refusing to give up. All of the material contained in my books are gleaned from lessons I’ve learned through numerous situations and circumstances, many of which I readily admit were ’self inflicted’ but added volumes to my growth and maturity." "Valuable lessons I’ve learned taught me that If God waited on people to become perfect before He allowed them to preach, teach, lead, or minister, there would never be anyone worthy, and the work would never get done. God uses willing vessels, with weaknesses, so His strength, power, and anointing can shine through, and He can get the glory!" Having lived through a dozen tragedies in his childhood, the author and his wife celebrated 28 years August 2012; raised two daughters, 28 and 23; have two grandsons, 6 and 4, and enjoy the quiet of an empty nest. Hammond has written dozens of news articles for community newspapers since 1993 and has received media attention for various projects over twenty years. Visit our website at