When you have twins, multiples, or simply children close in age, you have no time to waste. As a mother of twins, Stephanie Woo knows you need the most effective way to raise multiple children simultaneously. In Raising Your Twins, Stephanie shows parents how to set up an effective environment for their children (taking into account babies’ many needs, including rolling over, crawling, pulling up, cruising, and walking). With the proper environment, babies won’t need to be constantly watched over and entertained by adults. If they sleep through the night or learn to eat by themselves at an early age, not only will they gain confidence in their skills and abilities, but your quality of life as a parent will also improve tremendously. The time has come for a parenting method that is simple, effective, and proven to work. Raising Your Twins is packed full of practical tips, covering everything from sleeping and eating, to bathing and using the potty. This book will show you how to raise independent children who can occupy themselves (without a TV!) so you can have more alone time to read, nap, or cook! Largely based on the Montessori Method, Raising Your Twins includes insights and methods developed by Stephanie’s mother and based on her own experiences raising her twins and coaching other families.