You have exactly one life in which to do everything you’ll ever do. Act accordingly.
Act Accordingly is a philosophical framework written to help people become the best possible version of themselves. Rather than proposing a one-size-fits-all code of beliefs or behaviors, the ideas presented in this intentionally concise book encourage readers to question their long-held biases, their definition of confidence, their level of self-sustainability, and the degree to which they allow themselves to evolve their beliefs over time.
There’s no time like the present to…act accordingly.
“Act Accordingly is Colin’s philosophy on life. The book is all about living this one go-round we have to our maximum potential. He’s not saying we should all be olympians or scholars or famous or that everyone can be the President, or even should want to aim for that. The message of the book is simple: live for yourself. If you like to go fishing, go fishing with all of your heart. But don’t waste time floating down the mainstream if you’re passions rest at the top of a mountain after a long days hike. Find your path, and make a plan to walk it.” -Wand’rly Magazine
“Colin invites us to strip ourselves to our core, to let go of our ability to judge someone by their individual attributes, to stop identifying ourselves with logos and labels, to develop our own philosophy and apply it in order to reach that ideal lifestyle.” -Book Hurricane