"Fast, vivid, and intense! THE FROLICKING had me hooked from the beginning with its luminous prose, fascinating characters, and dialogue that rings with authenticity. This is one you do not want to miss!"- Brian Bowyer, Splatterpunk Award-nominated and Godless Award-winning author of OLD TOO SOON and METRO KINETIC.
Some rabbit holes run deeper than others...
Three college students get together for a girl’s trip to an Easter-themed event known as the Frolicking. Little do they know, they’ve stumbled across an occult ritual hosted by a strange woman suffering from divine madness, and dripping with holiday spirit.
There are five rules:
Do not cut corners.
Do not lie. Honesty is the best policy.
Do not overstay your welcome.
When in doubt, frolic.
And last but not least, remember this is all happening for you, not to you.
Mayhem, coming face to face with childhood trauma, gore, pop art, and whimsy are all present in Grant Wamack’s newest frightening yet surreal novel. Equal parts Alice in Wonderland and Midsommar, you’re in for a ride you’ll never forget.
There are those who frolic and those who run? Which one are you?