Fantasy Adventure series:
Bayton is a quiet, small farming community on the Eastern Forsaken Island only four days sail north from Paladon City. Joseph and Grace are in love and only want their lives to continue in peace. Other Bayton residents such as Captain Harvey Taylor, hope a new age of prosperity and development will generate a boom for local products. Who would ever believe that this sleepy little town out in the boonies would ever draw a huge Humanoid invasion armada? The new Baron of the Forsaken Islands, Paladin Arthur Ketra Kelvin, vows to defend his fiefdom with every drop of his blood.
The one thing that terrifies everyone more than an invasion is the fabled Purple Dragon, supposedly living on the adjoining Western Forsaken Island. No one has seen or heard anything about the Dragon for over seventy-four years. Elderly Ed Martin and his sister Jacoba Timmons remember the last time the Dragon appeared and destroyed Bayton and wonder what could possibly be done to protect everyone.
Now with Humanoid enemies approaching, the Forsaken Islands suddenly becomes the center of a Pivotal Ruckus.