Conscious creating through Yoga is a powerful process that incorporates the wisdom of yoga into a workbook that will walk you through the steps of brining your desires into reality. It is an opportunity to consciously use your abilities and natural creating power to make magic in your life. With this process you will experience your creations...and feel your power by intentionally directing your energy toward what you choose to create.
- This process will help you move from wishing, hoping and wanting to attracting, choosing and embracing - as you will be in the driver’s seat...taking the wheel of your car and going where you want to go.
- You will learn to enjoy the inherent power you have in life versus giving into feeling like a victim.
- Once you see, feel and understand the process and experience conscious creating, you will have the tools and engage the creating life force behind all things physical. You will move from unintended creating to intentional creating.
- When enough of us have these understandings, we can get together and consciously co-create all manner of wonder and awe, from prosperous businesses to wonderful relationships, from peace and joy to creating heaven on earth - yeah - why not!