Dr. Marilyn "M.E." Porter - affectionately known as The Soul Shifter - is the CEO of The Soul INpowerment Group, Inc. (formerly, M.E. Unlimited, LLC) a conglomerate of organizations which houses her ministries: The Soul Restoration Center, Motivational Outreach Ministers and Mentors and The Pink Pulpit International, as well as various nonprofits that serve and support the areas in which her own life has been effected by: "GirlFight" - focused on teaching elementary school girls how to resolve conflict with our violence in word or deed, "Resilience ROCKS!" - For survivors of childhood sexual abuse and "My 3 Daughters" - support for abortion recovery. Dr. Porter deems herself Spiritual Life Consultant and Adviser as well as a personal development mentor, with a God given knack for creative business solutions. A graduate of The University of Maryland, and the recipient of and Honorary Doctorate in Ministry - for her diligent work in building and equipping ministries throughout the U.S, this woman of God is equipped to serve, support, empower and encourage her clients and audiences with a wealth of both academic knowledge and spiritual grounding. Having endured, 2 divorces, several miscarriages, childhood rape, the rejection of her natural father, and many other abuses in her life, she stands to serve the world as a soul healer - having learned for herself that if your soul is broken, the very foundation to every other possibility is jeopardized. So, in world of big bold promises, Dr. Porter makes only 1 - "I will always speak to your soul." Visit her website: www.marilyneporter.com Follow her on social media: www.facebook.com/IamMEPorter