David Hirzel was born in Philadelphia, raised in West Virginia, and landed in northern California by way of Florida. His lifelong fascination with the true stories arising out of the quest for the North and South Poles has led to the creation of a number of works on exploration history, and his three-part "polar biography" of the Irish explorer Tom Crean. The first of these, Antarctic Voyager, begins the story with Crean’s first foray into the Antarctic with Scott’s Discovery expedition. Sailor on Ice continues the story, which concludes in Hold Fast with his invaluable role in Shackleton’s Endurance expedition. Other works include a book on the U.S.S. Rodgers’’ search for the lost Jeannette, plays, and articles in maritime journals. Since 2005 he has headed the Living History Program at San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park in San Francisco. He writes from Sky Ranch overlooking the Pacific Ocean, and when not writing he is engaged in the business of green building design.