圖書名稱:The Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism Eco-System
A guide that illustrates the methods, mechanisms,techniques and instruments to launder money andfinance terrorism. It explains risk-based approachesto minimise the risk at the national level and foreach sector of the eco-system.Mr. T.S. KrishnamurthyFormer Chief Election Commissioner, Governmentof India; Former Chief Commissioner of IncomeTax-Mumbai, India.This book not only examines thoroughly theproblem in a comprehensive manner withinteresting case studies but also providesgovernance measures to mitigate the evil.Kannan has rightly stressed the need for properevidence gathering, domestic co-ordination ofvarious agencies and international co-operationto deal with this global priority. His suggestionto implement a National Integrity System is worththe attention of a government.Dr S.Ramamurthy Fiscal Management Expert,formerly with the IMFThe book throws light on relevant methodologiesand tools to mitigate the adverse impact of moneylaundering. It explains a risk-based approach tomitigate the risks at the entity and national levels.It is very valuable book to those practitionerscombating money laundering and countering thefinancing of terrorism world-wide.