Ray Holder has worked in the electrical industry for more than 40 years as an apprentice, journeyman, master, field engineer, estimator, business manager, contractor, inspector, and instructor. He is a graduate of Texas State University and holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Occupational Education. A certified instructor of electrical trades, he has been awarded a lifetime teaching certificate from the Texas Education Agency in the field of Vocational Education. Mr. Holder has taught thousands of students at Austin Community College; Austin Texas Odessa College at Odessa, Texas; Technical-Vocational Institute of Albuquerque, New Mexico; Howard College at San Angelo, Texas, and in the public school systems in Fort Worth and San Antonio, Texas. He is currently Director of Education for Electrical Seminars, Inc. of San Marcos, Texas. Mr. Holder is an active member of the National Fire Protection Association, International Association of Electrical Inspectors, and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. About the Publisher: Brown Technical Publications Inc, is an affiliate of Brown Technical Book Shop located in Houston, Texas. Brown, now with Mr. Holder, has brought its 70 years of experience to the electrical industry.