Twelve-year-old Pooja has never done anything this crazy in her life stealing a book, lying or skipping classes OMG! Who has she become? Pooja is the perfect student, the perfect daughter with the perfect grades. But this is what happens when your parents send you packing to an international boarding school without your permission! A few years ago a Magic Man told Pooja, “Soon your life will change. The curse of the Age of Darkness will only disappear if you help unravel the mystery inside a hidden temple.” This is ludicrous! “How can a 12-year-old save the world, when she can’t even save herself?” Right now she is facing her own crisis Firstly, Natalie, the culprit who exiled her from Bangalore, and her crazy, troublesome friend, Reet arrive at her school. Secondly, what mystery is lurking beneath her school after all it is an ancient fort! Ghosts, vampires or even murderers may be roaming those grounds. Pooja investigates one night and finds her Deputy Head, Mr Vijay Singh with two British researchers. “Where are they coming from and what secret diary are they talking about?” Is the Universe telling her something when the secret diary literally lands at her feet! When explosives and fireworks go off at the same time, Pooja realises meditation or chanting mantras is not going to solve her problems. She has to use her magic powers and follow the cryptic codes to find the truth. But can she save the school on time?