This edition is designed for libraries; coloring pages are available by download. A novel for middle grade readers. A year in the life of Pachyrhinosaurus and other dinosaurs living on the North Slope of Alaska seventy thousand years ago. They lived near each other and migrated together in a loose-knit community.
The story follows Pakky as she experiences her first winter and learns about snow and ice. She meets other species of dinosaurs and is injured by ravenous Dromaeosaurus.
In the spring, she migrates with her mother, Matriarch, back to their summer feeding ground. In her first year, she learns a life cycle. She discovers that green which makes her food so good, during the time of constant light, hides in the lights in the sky during the time of constant dark, while they starve.
She learns green returns during the time of light-moving-to-constant light. A reason for hope when starving.