For those on the Gamer’s Journey, there is a deep connection between our favorite games
that transforms the meaning of "fun," starting from our first moments of play in these worlds of
challenge, skill, and reward. Video games allow us to mentally consider some of the most
complicated situations we could ever imagine in a way that encourages us to tap into our
strengths, using our problem-solving abilities to become the fulcrum between success and failure
in each epic confrontation. We sit in our gaming spaces with the utmost dedication, waiting for
each day to sweep us up and carry us toward some form of earned victory. Just as the
mythologies of old have gifted humankind with powerful imagery for centuries, video games
have more recently provided a magnificent next step forward in the evolution of understanding
our traits as people. Through this, we see new versions of ourselves in the grandest display of
visual storytelling, where we interact through skill and choice. We create opportunities to
develop insight across our lifespan each time we play a game and take it to heart.