In the final installment of the Midlife in Aura Cove Series, Karma assigns Katie a mission that hits close to home. Guided by visual flashes, she embarks on a poignant quest to reunite Harry with his long-lost twin sister, Jessica, and mend the shattered pieces of his family.
Katie’s joyful anticipation of her first grandchild turns to dread as supernatural ramifications loom over her family.
Desperate to reunite with her beloved, Zoya gambles her future for a chance of a happily ever after. Will she succeed in proving her redemption to the eternal coven and secure her shot at reincarnation, or will she be condemned to an eternity of despair?
With heart-wrenching farewells and heartwarming new beginnings, Katie and her loved ones navigate through trials and tribulations, discovering that love is the ultimate legacy.
This is book 6 of the Midlife in Aura Cove Series-a little Florida town with big secrets.
Perfect for fans of Darynda Jones, K. F. Breene, Kristen Painter, Robyn Peterman, Deanna Chase, and Shannon Mayer.