When a young Texas cowboy goes on a campout with a friend and awakens the next morning to something he had never experienced before it seems like a miracle. A white fairytale of snow and ice crystals. He has long dreamed of such a magical environment. He and his friend are ecstatic at first...but as they soon discover, even such a magical sight can have unfamiliar problems and unknown hazards quite different than the ones they usually experience. Their view of this winter adventure presents an entirely new set of skills.
Our young heroes discover the "grass may not always be greener on the other side of the fence" and they must rely on their Texas courage and fortitude to overcome quite different challenges than the rodeo skills they usually focus on.
A fun "read" for these ropers and riders who dream of one thing and are then faced with quite a different reality where only their own ingenuity and "Texas Tough" attitude can rise to the meet the challenge facing them.