We can’t just sit back and expect God to do everything for us while we just wait. We have to step out in the belief that God’s will for each of us is good, and God has good in store for us.
In a sense, we have all walked through our fair share of life’s dark alleys with enemies lurking around every corner. The afflictions of our past often cast harrowing shadows on the hope of our future, but God has the final word on who we are to become!
Senior Pastor of Christ Universal Temple, Derrick Wells, shares his journey from the streets of Chicago to the streets of gold in his memoir Transformation Out of Trouble. You’ll find:
- Strategies for breaking free from destructive cycles
- God’s unmatchable ability to turn your past failures into stepping stones for success
- The heart of a God who loves who you are where you are
- Undeterred faith to remain boldly expectant of blessing and transformation
- And so much more!
You are not meant to live small and afraid. God has ordained that you live unapologetically and audaciously BIG!