The fourth installment in one poet’s journey of healing, Coming Home grapples with questions of identity and roots, the seeds of who we are, and how much control we have over who we’re becoming. It questions whether home is only a place where we sleep and eat, someplace we come back to every night, or is something we take with us each day when we walk out that door. If we find peace within ourselves, what’s to stop us from cultivating it everywhere else?
Craig Randall is a poet, author, and teacher who lives in Corvallis, OR with his wife, children, two cats and dog. A passionate advocate for mental health, his body of work is a byproduct of his own battles with anxiety and depression and has served as a vehicle for empathy, healing, and connection. His works include two novels, The Doom that Came to Astoria and The Dreams in the Pearl House, of The Northwest Trilogy, and three collections of poetry, To Chase the Sun and Among the Wildflower, and Rain Songs. A fourth volume of poetry Coming Home will release Winter 2025, and the third and final volume of The Northwest Trilogy will release in 2025.