What can such a little creature do against such a great evil?
Drawing inspiration from Peter Rabbit and Sherlock Holmes, The Fox of Biggleswade follows a little fox named Sherwood as he investigates the disappearance of kidnapped goats in the little English village of Biggleswade. The trail leads our young detective to befriend a unique cast of characters, including a resourceful raccoon, a wolf shepherd, and a friendly police bear. With some help from a scientifically-minded cat and her rodent housekeeper, Sherwood uncovers a restless evil lurking just below the surface of his little world.
Through his adventure, Sherwood learns more about himself and the wondrous world around him; and finds the courage, strength, and wits needed to protect his beloved Biggleswade.
About the Author
Karisa Graham has lived in over four countries and across multiple states, and her favorite place is still home. Home being wherever she spends time with her beloved husband, bright-eyed daughters, wily cat, and loyal dog, and of course, can enjoy a cup of tea with a good story. As an avid learner and nature-lover, Karisa is continually searching for our Maker’s fingerprints in even His smallest creations. She is so pleased to share her findings with you through The Fox of Biggleswade, her first published book.