Ken Goldman, former Philadelphia teacher of English and Film Studies, is an Active member of the Horror Writers Association. He has homes on the Main Line in Pennsylvania and at the Jersey Shore. His stories have appeared in over 970 independent press publications in the U.S., Canada, the UK, and Australia with over twenty due for publication in 2023. Benjamin Toche was a baffled man who, until his death in July 2023, could often be seen wandering the streets of Palmer, Alaska, talking to birds, his favorites being those of the Corvidae family. He was the father of three sons who continually brutalized his heart. He received an MFA from the University of Alaska Anchorage, and his work has appeared online in some places, in print others. Internet him for further details. A graduated Diploma Holder with a keen interest in Social Work, Philosophy, and History. He is also a prolific author and an individual with a variety of work experiences from retail to social work. Born in Singapore, he started to be interested in writing when he first got hold of books during Primary school. From there on, he has many creative ideas that he wanted to pen down and let others read because he wants his work to inspire people to have their creative ideas and perhaps even write interesting books. Rani Jayakumar lives with her family in the San Francisco Bay Area, teaching music and mindfulness. Her writing has been in Honeyguide Magazine, Ab Terra, Secret Attic, Vine Leaves Press, Scribes, Black Petals, Apocalypse Confidential, Academy of the Heart and Mind, Pure Slush, and others. She has also self-published a book of short stories, a middle-grade book, and two children’s picture books, in addition to novellas with Rize. This and other work can be found at