Words have profound power. Words are the vehicles of thought. Words express reality and actively construct it.
Words’ impact, including how they are known, what they mean, and how they are understood, is context dependent.
The book Older to Elder: The Thinking and Being of a Contemporary Elder resides in the context of elder and speaks the words of an elder.
The words of an elder carry a unique and life-altering perspective, distinct from those of ’older, ’ which can be deflating, damaging, and demoralizing. The elder’s words, in contrast, are empowering, inspiring, and motivating.
The book Older to Elder: The Thinking and Being of a Contemporary Elder is deeply rooted in the context and traditions of elders, and it speaks the words of these respected individuals.
The words of an elder offer a way to transcend societal norms and expectations about growing old, leading to a more empowered and intentional approach to aging.
Engaging with these words enables readers to adopt a new way of looking at themselves, their aging, their higher purpose, the irreversible experience of growing old, reinventing retirement, and the end of life.
In embracing the wisdom and perspective of an elder, readers transcend the limitations imposed by age and society, stepping into a role of guidance, healing, and renewal.
In a world in need of true elders, the journey from "older" to "elder" is not just a path of personal transformation, but a higher calling to serve the greater good-a responsibility that comes with being an elder to help heal the world.