The Last Word & Other Stories is a short fiction anthology by American authors. Works by Editor’s Prize winner Christine Sneed: "The Last Word;" Brindle Setter Birch,
"Facing Superhawk;" Jessica Barksdale, "Costumes;" Karen George, "Ripping off the Bandage;" Robert Pope, "The Metal Detector;" Sam Crain, "Frank the Dragon;" Rachel Lippolis, "The Year Alice Turned Ten;" Jennifer Schomburg Kanke, "The Sparing of the Snails;" Donna Wojnar Dzurilla, "Winning at 1972;" Russell Doherty, "Chieftain;" Mitch James, "Sorry I Could Not Travel Both;" Rebecca Brock,"A Woman With a Hand on Her Hip;" Liz Rosen, "The Clarity of Metaphor;" and Robert Kostanczuk,"The Righteous Lemonade Crusade."