This book is going to be the first picture book from a set of 5 that I intend to carry on as set of 5 series books, MY First....... This first set of 5 is going to be My First Word, My First Day in Kindergarten, My First Lost Tooth, My First Snow Day, My First Sleepover. My First Word is about a boy whose mom is pregnant. He is excited and curious when the baby arrives that, he would ask millions of questions. But the very one question he never stops asking is if his name will be the first word his baby brother would say. Mom then, takes time to explain to him that every child has their first word. He was thus, excited to know what his own first word was. Mom then gives him a short story of what his first word was PA-PA! This is my story line, and I would like an exercise page at the end of the story that will allow parents and educators to give opportunities for children to share stories about their first words.