Kaia has had a bad day at school. "I don’t believe in angels anymore." Her Tutu (grandmother) says, "What if I told you there was something amazing right over your head and you didn’t need an iPad to see it?" Kaia looks up to see white tern chicks on the branches of kukui nut trees. She calls them Fluffy Little Tree Angels.
Since 2007 white terns have been Honolulu’s official bird. This children’s picture book reveals the wondrous world of "fluffy little tree angels" to young readers. The many intimate photographs of white terns will appeal to readers of all ages, young and old alike. In the end, Kaia’s spirits are lifted. "Tutu? My bad day is now a good day. I believe in angels again." This book is dedicated to the HNS WTOT, the Holy Nativity School White Tern Observation Team and to the many tree angels raising adorable chicks in our kukui nut trees.