Contributors include mano-Y-ola, Pedro Ayala, Sara Espinosa, Jessica Roqueburg, Courtney Columbus, and Patricia Morales. Ms. Bee is a wise and kind teacher who is passionate about helping others understand and appreciate the natural world around them. One day, she meets Pedro and Sara, two curious young students eager to learn from Ms. Bee and explore the world through their five senses. Together, they will go on a journey of discovery and learning as Ms. Bee teaches them the importance of using their senses to understand and respect the natural resources that make up the natural world. Los colaboradores incluyen a mano-Y-ola, Pedro Ayala, Sara Espinosa, Jessica Roqueburg, Courtney Columbus y Patricia Morales. La señora Bee es una maestra sabia y amable, apasionada por ayudar a los demás a comprender y apreciar el mundo natural que los rodea. Un día, conoce a Pedro y Sara, dos jóvenes curiosos y ansiosos por aprender de la señora Bee y explorar el mundo a través de sus cinco sentidos. Juntos emprenderán un viaje de descubrimiento y aprendizaje mientras la señora Bee les enseña la importancia de usar sus sentidos para comprender y respetar los recursos naturales que conforman el mundo natural.
JUV001000 JUVENILE FICTION / Action & Adventure / General
JUV054010 JUVENILE FICTION / Activity Books / Coloring
JUV002140 JUVENILE FICTION / Animals / Insects, Spiders, etc.
JUV030040 JUVENILE FICTION / Places / Caribbean & Latin America
JUVENILE FICTION / Hispanic & Latino
JUV029000 JUVENILE FICTION / Science & Nature / General
JUV029010 JUVENILE FICTION / Science & Nature / Environment
JUV029040 JUVENILE FICTION / Science & Nature / Flowers & Plants
JUV029050 JUVENILE FICTION / Science & Nature / Trees & Forests
JUV043000 JUVENILE FICTION / Readers / Beginner
Audience 4-12
LC Subject Heading Suggestions:
Picture Books, Foods - Juvenile Fiction, Children’s fiction; Juvenile fiction; Juvenile stories, Communities - Juvenile Fiction, Spanish Language Materials, Puerto Rico - Juvenile Fiction, Fruit - Juvenile Fiction, Wit and Humor - Juvenile Fiction