Before You Give Up...
Before you give up hope
Before you give up your dreams
Before you give up your friends
Before you give up your marriage
Before you give up to anxiety and depression
Before you give up to your addiction
Before you give up and say "It has to be this way..."
Before you give up and accept, "It is what it is..."
Before you give up on enjoying an abundant life
Before you surrender to all that’s around you, are you willing to look at all that is within you?
Isn’t it time to quit playing checkers and start playing chess?
Does the life to which you are accustomed to hold you more than the life you hope for?
Today, you can begin a new journey and take your first steps toward moving from relief to restoration, woundedness to healing, loneliness to love, isolation to community, desperation to hope, victim to victory.
Before you give up, step into a world of power and discover that things can change.
It doesn’t have to be this way. If you have a heartbeat, you have hope.