Do you consider yourself a successful person? Do you consider yourself to have a gift, be it writing, music, art, or athletics? Do you sacrifice your gift time and time again for more success? Does that make each success feel like just another meaningless win?
If you answered "yes" to any of those you consider yourself successful--or successfully stuck in self-sabotage?
Are you an author who’s living out someone else’s story as a Healthcare executive instead of writing your own? Are you a painter whose polyptych keeps getting pushed aside in favor of more profitable pursuits? Are you an athlete who’s running the wrong race, on Wall Street waiting for the Opening Bell when you should be at the track waiting for the starting gun?
If you answered "yes" then you need...
The Way: Out of Self-Sabotage; into Self-Mastery
In this powerful, narrative nonfiction, author Hunter M. Charneski asks the question: "Why do we sabotage ourselves?" to today’s Self-Sabotaging Man. Charneski details how, and why, success is keeping you stuck in self-sabotage--and the way out of it.
The Way: Out of Self-Sabotage; into Self-Mastery is an inspirational compilation of deeply personal anecdotes, biblical examples, and universal storytelling structure guaranteed to galvanize today’s Self-Sabotaging Man to his gift instead of sacrificing it for more success.
That’s self-mastery.