How to Vote for an Idiot is the love child of the unholy alliance between business satire and political satire. The unholy alliance in focus here is government conscripting unelected corporations including media, pharmaceutical, and military contractors, to work in concert with unelected bureaucrats to do their dirty work for them so elected government officials can leave no fingerprints and claim their hands are clean. Pontius Pilate anyone?
This book is an expose of how members of the political class are anything but idiots. They are clever, calculating, and seem to always outsmart us voters every time they cover their own backsides as they kick us in ours. Why do voters on the right and the left always walk out of the polling place with a "Kick Me" sign pinned to the seat of our pants?
We now live in a season of unholy alliances. The question is what do you believe to be holy? Who do you believe to be holy? In short, what and who can you believe? Guiding principle number one: Who you are is how you vote. Guiding Principle number two: What you choose to believe is who you are. Guiding principle number three: Who you are and what and who you choose to believe can change depending on your level of self, national, global, and Godly awareness. That’s the hope for America. We can learn and get better at self-governance, which we have for too long abdicated to the self-interests of government and the political class. The good Lord created this planet we live on, we mucked it up, and the Almighty wants us to clean our room, which doesn’t mean shoving everything evil into a closet.
Let’s unite as one nation under God, roll up our sleeves, and get to work voters!