October is a time to reap what was sown, to harvest the growth of what was. As long sunny days turn to long dark nights, October reminds us to be mindful if we’re walking alone out in the fields of Scarecrows and Shadows. Your guide through the mystical fields of wonder and the macabre is Matthew McConkey. Walk with him through these dark and ominous fields as he shows you things that will challenge your beliefs and question your reality.
In these fields of Scarecrows and Shadows, you will find:
A man that only kills when it snows at a small university...
A group of friends that form a secret pact for a crime committed in the woods..
Two ageless, evil dogs that exact revenge on a man’s boss from work...
A witch that places a curse upon a home...
A serial killer that hangs his victims upside down in his attic...
A man that travels back in time and finds his younger self...
A guy that digs up his dead girlfriend...
And beware! There are many other things that lurk in the dark fields of Scarecrows and Shadows.