"The House on Phantom Trail" by Stephen Perez unfolds a captivating narrative of mystery and the supernatural. Perched atop a hill, the titular house holds a storied past steeped in whispers of extraordinary abilities and inexplicable phenomena. When a group of inquisitive youngsters ventures inside, they encounter Paul, the enigmatic guardian, who unveils the house’s enigmas and invites them to partake in its mystical powers firsthand. As the children delve into their own memories within the house’s confines, they traverse a spectrum of emotions, from fond reminiscence to heart-wrenching sorrow. Yet, their exploration takes a harrowing turn when one among them is besieged by haunting recollections of trauma. With Paul’s timely intervention, the group’s memories are cleansed, yet their fascination with the house deepens. Meanwhile, against the backdrop of the town’s preparations for a haunted house fundraiser, Paul and his team embark on a thorough inquiry into the house’s supernatural capabilities. Assisted by Bruno, a seasoned expert in paranormal occurrences, they uncover evidence of a compromised time portal within the dwelling’s confines. Despite the inherent dangers, they opt to reopen the house to the public, triggering a cascade of inexplicable events and unsettling disappearances among the volunteers. As tensions mount and peril looms ever closer, Bruno advocates for a temporary suspension of activities within the house to facilitate further investigation. However, before decisive action can be taken, a resentful former visitor exacts retribution by setting the house ablaze, casting its future into uncertainty. "The House on Phantom Trail" weaves a spellbinding tapestry of suspense and human intrigue, probing themes of memory, loss, and the unfathomable. With its masterfully crafted characters and palpable aura of suspense, it ensnares readers in its web until the very last page. Richly drawn characters and eerie atmosphere, it keeps readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.