M.D. (Michael Dirk) Thalmann, a novelist and freelance journalist specializing in satire and science fiction, lives in Phoenix, Arizona with his wife, children, and ornery cats, reads too much and sleeps too little. He has a couple dogs, too, but doesn’t like to mention them due to the slippers one of them ate in 2009, which neither has yet fessed up to. He is originally from Little Rock, Arkansas and has been living in the desert since 2004 when he took the novel Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas entirely too serious and moved on a lark. He has been into journalism in one fashion or another and writing fiction and so on since he was ten years old or so and has gotten at least 20% better since that time. Today M.D. writes freelance and does columns for a few magazines here and there while working on his various novels and cursing his cats. M.D. Thalmann is influenced by Kurt Vonnegut Jr., Philip K. Dick, Carl Hiaasen, and (obviously) Hunter S. Thompson. Dimly Through Glass is his debut novel. You can also find his breakthrough science fiction novel, The 13 Lives of a Television Repair Man, available anywhere fine books are sold, and his next, Static-Redux, a satirical science fiction/ space opera, is slotted for release in Fall 2017. Find his work at www.mdthalmann.com